Overcoming Temptations
Though we often turn our back on
our Redeemer again and again, he doesn’t give up on mankind, but offers us
afresh the opportunity to come back to him during this grace-filled season of
Lent. This is a time of spiritual warfare; it is a time when a thorough examination
of conscience will reveal the depth to which we have fallen short of the glory of
God. And, in order to walk on the path of life, and attain the fullness of joy
in God’s presence, we need self-control and self -discipline. Self-control is
the mark of a mature person; it applies to control of the tongue, relationship
with others, and the appetites of the body.
The temptations of Jesus in the desert after
he fasted forty days and forty nights speak to us about our own daily struggles
against all kinds of temptations. Jesus succeeds because of self-control and
self-discipline. He does not fall into the devil’s trap on lust of the flesh,
pride and lust of the eyes (Mtt 4:5-8).
How often are we caught in the pursuit of
excessive pleasure in food, drink, and other sensual pleasures? St Paul warns: “For, as I have often told
you before and now tell you again even with tears, many live as enemies of the
cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, their
god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on
earthly things. But our citizenship is
in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus” Christ”(Ph
As we undertake this spiritual journey, let us
endeavor to stand tall amidst the trials that come our way; for, “If you don’t
stand up for what you believe in, you will fall for anything.” Beware of the devil’s
proposals on lust of the flesh, pride, greed, and lust of the eyes. This is the
period when many temptations will come our way, but remember: “It is the spirit
that gives life; the flesh has nothing to offer. The words I have spoken to you
are spirit and life (Jn 6:63).
What route do we take in this
battle? First, submit yourself to God and resist the devil and he will run away
from you (Jm 4:7). Secondly, develop a personal relationship with Jesus by
reading the Bible daily. Thirdly, pray and fast because through fasting, the
flesh is mortified while the spirit is fortified.
Fourthly, avoid resentment, anger, uncharitable
gossip. On the contrary, be charitable in thoughts, words and deeds. Lastly,
make confession and repentance a regularly spiritual activity. God is good all
the time!
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