Sixth Sunday of
Acts 10:25-26, 34-35,
44-48; 1Jn 4:7-10; Jn15:9-17
Love one another as I love you
When I was growing up, I ran into
serious trouble when I wrote my first love letter. My friend, Eric and I hid our
letters under a stone behind our house while looking forward to the right
moment to dispatch them. Unfortunately, my Dad found out, and punished
us:we were asked to pick a pin, after which he gave us six strokes of the lash
each. Our letters were well crafted with phrases like- “I cannot live without
you…every time I see you, my heart jumps…” I came to realize later in life that
we were merely trying to play act what we watched on movies and listened to, in
love songs.
Our story is not outmoded because our day and age is saturated with all kinds of love songs, movies and
expressions, yet it is hard to find relationships where true love subsists. It
would seem our Lord was aware that his
followers would encounter challenges in the world on the true meaning of love-so
he decided not only to show the example, but made it a commandment: “a new
commandment I give you, love one another as I have loved you.”(Jn 13:34) His was unconditional love. And the main
crisis cutting across every fabric of society- Christian families, friendships, marriages,
communities is the lack of unconditional love.
Jesus’ unconditional love means he
loves us in spite of our sins and ugly behavior. He loves us not because of
what we do or who we are, but he loves us in spite of what we do and who we
are. It is not easy to die for a good man but he died for us while were still
sinners. He still loves us even when we are not nice to him.
It is the same unconditional love to which couples commit themselves when they make the solemn promise: “I take you for better for love, in sickness and health…till
death do us part. There is no conditional clause like, “I will love you till
further notice”. To love unconditionally is a risk! By this this token, we open up
our hearts to each other, and we can either lose the one we love or we can be
hurt by the very ones we love. Consequently, we can’t expect to love
without being vulnerable to a wounded heart. Anyone who wants to love without
experiencing wounds can as well parcel his or heart and keep it.
Unconditional love is not found
on pretty looks. People who are attracted to you because of your pretty face
and nice body won’t be by your side forever(Young girls looking forward to getting
married should pray that no man should be attracted to them just because of their beautiful face or skin).
But the people who can see how beautiful your heart is will never leave you.
Beauty without a good heart is like performing cosmetic surgery on a corpse.
Someone once said “the friendship that ends never was.” This refers to people
who get together with a distorted notion of love-perhaps infatuation or lustful
attractions. It is like love at first
sight which ends with divorce at first sight. The truth is that true love never
If we aren’t ready to love as Christ loves, we
should not disguise selfishness in the name of love.
It is a grievous sin to walk in and out of people, playing with someone’s
emotions without the slightest intention to love. Don’t say “I love you” if you
don’t mean it. It takes time, sometimes a life time to mend broken hearts. Let love be without pretense, do what is good
and avoid what is evil(Rom 12:9).
Nevertheless, whenever relationships fail, don’t be quick to blame
the other person, but ask yourself about what attracted you to that person, and,
what you did on your part as a Christian
to keep the love of Christ alive in your relationship. As we can see, the “Ex-data”
is going out of proportion-Ex boyfriend, ex-wives, ex- husbands. What legacy
are we leaving behind for the younger generation?
However, no matter how painful one’s love experience may turn out to be, we should never stop loving. Don’t bear a grudge, don’t nurture hate feelings. Let those who hurt you carry the burden. Frederick Buechner says: “you can kiss your family and friends good-bye and put miles between you, but at the same time, you carry them with you in your heart, your mind, your stomach, because you don’t live in a world, but a world lives in you. ”By the way, keep in mind that people come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
Christ insists that if we want
our joy to be complete we should love one another. The reality here is that we
should not always expect to get back what we give out in love. Learn to take
things with a grain of salt; praise, criticisms, good treatment or ill
treatment should not make you give up being what God wants you to be. If we
ever let others determine our love by what they say and do to us, we will never
be joyful. Rather we will spend our entire life fighting against people instead
of living for love.
Life is what it is-we all expect
the ideal, but we must face the reality. We would be disappointed if we always
expect people to be nice to us. Humans are who they are, humans! It is better
to always be disposed for the worst. There is no logic in love, else Christ
would not have died on the cross. We can rightly take offense when we are hurt
or disappointed, but at the end of the day, don’t make a fuse of it, because you
are neither the first nor the last. Christ already predicted it when he said, if
the world hates you or treats you badly, remember it hated me first(Jn
15:18-25). It is important to learn to love people without any expectation. Let us love because we want Christ to remain in
Mother Teresa’s poem titled “Do
good anyway” is worthy of consideration here: People are often unreasonable,
irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may often accuse you
of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are honest and sincere
people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway. What you spend years creating, others could
destroy overnight. Create anyway. If you
find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway. Give the best you have, and it will never be
enough. Give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and
God. It was never between you and them anyway.
My dear people, let us love one
another because God is love. Anyone who claims to love God yet hates his
brother or sister is a liar, because the only image of God that we have seen is
that of our neighbor (1Jn 4:20). He made man in his own image, as we have it in
Genesis. Owe nothing to anyone--except for your obligation to love one another.
If you love your neighbor, you will fulfill the requirements of God's law(Rom
13:8). Let us spend some time with our loved ones because they are not going to
be around forever. Parents should stay close to their families, speak kind and
loving words to the little ones who look up to you because they will soon grow
up and leave your side. Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for some
day that person will not be there again.
May I use this opportunity to
wish all mothers a very Happy Mother’s Day! There are countless reasons for
which we should thank our mothers, and if we dare dwell on them, every day should
be Mother’s Day. But today, we thank them for carrying us in their wombs for
nine months! May God bless all mothers, both the living and the dead.
First of all thanks for the mother's day wishes. I could as well have carried you in my womb for nine months. What a feeling! 😊😊. Thanks also for reminding us of God's unconditional love for us and our responsibility to love each other even if it's hard sometimes. Love is a beautiful thing.